If they do not hold any cards of the leading suit, they may choose to trump by playing any trump card to win, or throw away by playing any non-trump card to lose. When a card is played, the other players must follow suit (play a card of the same suit) if possible. This game is known by so many names, some which are included on the website are: Oh Pshaw, Oh Well, Elevator, Up and Down the River, Contract Whist, Bid Whis. A card is beaten by a higher card of the same suit or any trump card. The rules of play are those of standard trick-taking games. The winner of the game is the player with the most points after a fixed number of rounds. The aim of the game is to score points by winning tricks (each trick scores one point) and by correctly predicting how many tricks you will win each round (this scores 10 points per round). Also knows as Contract Whist, Oh Well!, German Bridge, Blackout or Up and Down the River.
Oh Hell! is the world's most popular trick-taking card game in which the object is to take exactly the number of tricks bid.