Sorry Crue, (if it was really you guys, I couldn't tell from my view) maybe next time you head to Detroit or G.R. The crapper & beer lines suck everywhere and at every concert, but at least you get to see who you paid to see at those other venues, not the meat head in front of you. /rebates/&.com252fcentral-michigan-tickets252fsoaring-eagle-casino-and-resort-tickets252flynyrd-skynyrd-aug-9-2024-4668828. Go to Van Andel and the Palace for better views. The outdoor pavilion bites the big one when it comes to the view of the stage, period! If you're not 7' 13' or taller, don't waste your money because the only thing you're gonna see for 70 bucks a ticket is the back of someone else's head.